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Hey There!

Hey People! First of all, a huge round of applause to you for making it to the about section of this entire website, that takes an inquisitive mind, and whether you choose to believe it or not, it means a ton personally.

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My Story

   My names are Natasha .M. Mushinge, a young Zambian female in my early twenties, pursuing a Bachelor of Technology Degree in Software Engineering, while at the same time exploring and discovering the things I love to do and the different ways I can be able to dispense them,   


   I happen to love writing down my thoughts and opinions, to tell stories, mine and other people's. And so I  figured It's about time I shared this. Now I won't say I'm the best there is, but I will say when you do the things you love, the chances of becoming the best are a lot higher, but it's all up to you.


   So join me as I put all these ideas out there for all of you to see and read. I'll bring you my thoughts, stories, and personal opinions on spiritual, societal, social, foundational, and many other aspects of life such as Faith, lifestyle, Fashion, etc. And let's see what exactly it is that this journey has in store for us, let's grow together.


   Don't shy away from messaging me via the members chat regarding any post, I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions as well. Don't hold back from sharing your email either, because how else will you know a new post has been published?




    Join the community, let's share the 'Esse'nce of Existence.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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