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Am I really ready for a relationship?
Are you sure you're ready to make that spark a flame or just put yourself out there? Are you really ready to commit?

6 Ways To look Classy and Elegant For Men and Women.
WHAT ARE CLASS AND ELEGANCE? The argument is, Class and Elegance are synonyms of each other, versus, they are two completely different...

Just Do It.
You probably think "Nike" when you read this phrase. Yep even I can't say it without picturing the big swoosh. Before we get into today's...

Shower Routine Steps For Healthier and Glowing skin.
Your overall healthy skin goals very much depend on the way you carry out your shower routine. It's really a few tweaks and tricks you...

8 Ways To Build A Personal Relationship With God.
In the Christian community the phrase "personal relationship with God" is one of the most common phrases you'll ever get to hear, almost...

"Like a cradle rocking, rocking, Silent, peaceful to and fro, Like a mother's sweet looks dropping On the little face below, - Hangs the...

The High-Value Woman?
The High-Value Woman. What or who is she? I've heard this phrase a hundred and one times over the past couple of months and of course,...

Welcome to Esse Epistles.
Welcome to my Blog! Stick around long enough and become part of the family.
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