The High-Value Woman?

The High-Value Woman. What or who is she? I've heard this phrase a hundred and one times over the past couple of months and of course, I'm intrigued, well mostly only because of the way it is defined on all the various platforms giving out knowledge, information, or personal opinions on the very topic: The high-value woman. It seems to encompass a lot of aspects, aspects pertaining to being the perfect woman, a woman that has it all together. And I have had my time to think of what this popular term, really means and that's what I'm going to share.
So straight into it, who is she? Many definitions circulate around the idea that a high-value woman is one that understands her worth, knows herself, and accepts herself inside and out. She is highly desirable to men, but that's beside the point. She is confident and appealing to many, her character speaks for her, she is independent and is also known as a woman of excellence.
Pause for a bit, I'll be honest you could get lost in the ideology behind the lot, it's very frankly a messy scene because again, these are thousands upon thousands of personal opinions on how to become a combination of the above-mentioned traits. So I'm going to attempt to add myself to the ridiculously large group of people that have an outlook on the same.
So let's look at what it is to be a high-value woman, what does she look like, and what distinguishing qualities and characteristics does she portray? First of all, generally, I'd say she is Intentional in every way, she is a woman that chooses to make decisions and take action. Being intentional means she gets clearly upfront over what she believes and wants to achieve. She intentionally sets objectives and strives to achieve those specific outcomes or results. But let's break it all down.
36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ — Matthew 22:36-39

I've seen so many "how to be a high-value woman" articles and they all seem to leave out this very vital aspect of actually being a high-value woman. I'm convinced that to be anything of value in a lifetime, you must first, above anything and everything, start by intentionally looking to know God.
Here's the thing, every person out there is striving to be their best self, and this is something you've heard all too well, "I'm working on being my best self.". But how does one become said "best self" without any knowledge or significant understanding of the creator of self? The first of the greatest commandments is that "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind,". Why is it the greatest? Because loving the Lord thy God with everything you have, everything that's of value to you, your heart, your mind, and your soul points to the eternal verity that is entire submission to the one that understands the core of your being much more than you or anyone ever will. The one that knew what would be going on in your mind, in your heart, and your soul long before you were even born. Being intentional about Loving God, fearing God, seeking God, and growing to learn and know him gives you grade A access to your prime self. Truthfully, anything else that appears on this list will be a struggle to achieve if this key factor isn't fostered. The key to being a High-value woman is to submit to the one that makes you valuable, God.
The second greatest command is to love others as much as you love yourself. But how do you intend to love others if you do not love yourself, or are intentional about yourself?

Self Love — Self-love is an unending song that gets sang and played everywhere, it's on your for you page, your Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter feed, especially now when the millennials and generation z are the most influential, the self-love theory is at its peak. I believe the high-value woman understands that loving herself is important and she should take each day striving to accept and love the intrinsic part of being that distinguishes her from everyone else. Loving herself makes it easy for her to see herself as the person she was created to be, that's a person that's different from everyone else, that she was meant to be unique, and that it's okay to not look like everyone else and that there is a sense of purity only attainable by her because there has never been anyone like her and there will never be anyone like her ever. She learns this and then uses it to take on the world knowing that she was created from love, by love, with love. The High-value woman takes all negative opinions about her as just that, opinions, and not facts because as much as people try they will never be able to define her because they are not literally or divinely able to do so. Only God can. She knows she's worth love and she won't wait to get it from the next person before she gets it from herself.
Self-aware — The high-value woman is self-aware, this means she knows what's happening within herself. She knows what she feels, she knows what motivates her she knows what she likes and what she should do to get what she wants and she has methods of doing so. She knows what's good for her, what's worth her energy, and what isn't, she takes steps to analyse where she is in life and is truthful about it too, she knows that when she's not doing so well she can do better and she will do better. She may not understand a lot about herself, but she does know enough to keep growing. She's self-aware.
Self-respect — A high-value woman respects herself, through mannerism, kindness, and prioritization. She respects herself through the way she behaves around others and herself, she watches what she says and how she says it knowing very well that aimlessly speaking and acting out has implications. She understands that she is a temple, yes most definitely, her body is a temple and must be treated as such. She has manners, a person that knows how to respect themselves knows how to respect others, and therefore attracts respect back to themselves. She is kind to herself, she won't give herself a hard time for failing but instead, she uses it as a means to learn and a reason to get better and stronger. She prioritizes herself, she puts her needs on the table too, which doesn't mean she brushes other people's needs under hers, it means that she also sees her needs as important. She respects herself enough to show up for herself.
Self-esteem — Now this is one of my favourite parts of being intentional about self, majority of my life has revolved around me believing I'm not good enough for many things. And as a woman, there are times when people's opinions about your overall appearance and choices in life, get to you. Unfortunately, some people live to constantly break others down because they enjoy it or it makes them feel better about themselves, so they make it a mandate to point out your flaws. And some people are just very careless with where they put their words and they don't give a second thought to the possibility that they are hurting and breaking people as they move along, adult bullies, is what I call them. There is no way of stopping people from being what they are, even if all they do is make you feel bad about things you can and can't change all together, the one thing you can do is accept who you are and be proud of it. You are made in the image of the most beautiful being to have ever existed, and he thinks you're to die for. A woman of high value does not care if anyone thinks she's too tall or too short, too slim or too fat, too busty or not busty enough, too dark or light, if they think she's not accomplished enough or not successful enough or not educated enough, pretty enough, or even cool enough. She knows their input is of no value whatsoever if it doesn't build her. A high-value woman believes in herself and knows she's a perfectly imperfect and divine masterpiece. She walks with dignity and pride, the right kind, and won't allow anyone to make her feel less of herself, because, despite where she is in life, she can get better. And that everything she has planned for herself is worth attention and fighting for. Nothing she does is too much or too little, it's just the right amount. She is not below average, on the contrary, she is prime.
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." — Psalm 139:14
A woman of high value knows how to love and treat others with respect. She knows she is worthy of love, she knows others are too, she knows everyone deserves the same amount of respect she deserves. She knows how to care for others and she is mindful of what she says to others, and how she says what she says. She is polite, the words, excuse me, please, thank you, and I'm sorry are not foreign to her. She lifts others and does not tear them down. She affirms them and does not deny them. She is a pillar of strength and not a tool of sabotage. And she treats everyone like she would want to be treated. She is caring and nurturing, which she proudly displays. Her beauty radiates from within. She is honest with others, she knows the value of being truthful to herself and people alike. She earns the title High-Value Woman.
She takes intentional steps to grow into a woman of High-Value. Steps like:
Knowledge — She wants to learn. She knows the value of acquiring knowledge. She's always aspiring to know more, to discover more, to build on what she's already acquainted with. She makes it a goal to be well informed, not with just anything but with issues of value. She finds satisfaction in learning new skills, skills she can use to better her life and the lives of others. She is teachable, she doesn't overlook the chance to learn from others, and it's never a matter of age, she is humble enough to take advice or learn from people younger than she is.
Persistence — Oh she is resilient, a goal-getter. She falls and rises stronger, she sees every drawback as an opportunity to re-evaluate the circumstances, figure out what she missed or miscalculated, and then makes a massive come back. She pushes till all she sees is diamond. She doesn't stop for anything, she sees what she wants and she goes for it.
Hard work — She knows that to get to where she needs to be, she has to work for it. She has to do a lot of hard things, like move outside her comfort zone and try new things, put in extra hours and effort, change perspective from time to time, and compromise when she needs to. She is up for the challenge.
Accountability — She owns up to her mistakes and doesn't find ways of blaming her shortfalls on others, instead she acknowledges when she is wrong and when she fails. Takes these inadequacies as guidelines for improvement. Lol, ladies, a high-value woman apologizes when she is wrong.
Focus — A woman of high value is laser-focused on her goals. Nothing will derail her, when she has her eye on the goal she shoots until she scores. This doesn't mean she won't get slowed down, or distracted now and then, she will, but she is disciplined enough to get back on the saddle and keep riding. She sees her official, academic, physical, spiritual, and financial ambitions through to the end.
Creativity — She's familiar with authenticity, she has a mind of her own, a mind filled with new ideas and innovation, kosher is her culture. She is not afraid to try new things, experiment, bring out ideas, to explore her capabilities to give birth to excellence. She is the definition of original.
Independence — She is not helpless, she can provide for herself and the people around her, she is self-sufficient, this goes way beyond financial capability. She makes strategic moves that make it possible for her to provide for her needs, she doesn't sit around waiting for anyone to blow her wounds dry, no, she gets up and binds them herself. Don't be mistaken she's humble enough to seek and accept help, her independence is no excuse for her to be self-absorbed, big-headed, or prideful. She just understands that she has the power to be there for herself especially when there is no one close by.
Presentation — She knows the value of presentation. Her physical appearance — the way she dresses, takes care of her body; hair, skin, and nails, you can tell she's a high-value woman by just observing her overall health and hygiene. Her environment— her work and personal space are alluring and they for sure are inviting. Her projects, duties, and chores— all the things she works on are exceptional, top-tier, and way above par. She knows that the greater portion of people's perception of her lies in the way that she presents herself to them. To be taken seriously and to be respected, she displays herself and everything concerning her in a manner that preserves and increases her dignity. She has high standards, so she in turn presents high standards to attract high standards.
"Average women make decisions based on who they are now. The High-value woman makes decisions based on who she wants to be." — Anonymous.
Words from the Author.
A high-value woman is many things, but above and beyond, she is a woman who knows her value and lives her life in pursuit of the things that enhance it. She is a woman that's intentional about growing spiritually, academically, physically, mentally, socially, financially, formally, etc. She is a woman worth the title High-Value.
Like Saint Paul would put it, What shall we say then, should every female work towards being this high-value woman? You know what, I'll leave this one up to you? What do you think, should she? Let me know what you think in the comments or the chat section. I'll be sure to reply as soon as I can.
Thank you for reading and my sincere apologies for the extremely late blog publication. Inconveniences were met, and I'm aware of the impression that this delay gives. The last thing I want is for the website to be seen as inadequate or inefficient. Thank you so much for your patience.